In the opulent confines of a Hampshire hotel, a group of guests find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue. The arrival of a mysterious woman, kn...
In 'Cheerful Smugglers,' Ellis Parker Butler offers a humorous exploration of household finances and the lengths to which people will go to avoid payi...
This cookbook, first published in 1747, is a compilation of recipes typical for British meals produced in the kitchens of the more affluent classes in...
En 'El misterio de la casa roja', el reconocido autor de Winnie the Pooh, A. A. Milne, incursiona en el género del misterio. La historia se desarrolla...
In 'Shall We Join the Ladies?', a captivating one-act play by J. M. Barrie, a group of guests find themselves embroiled in a mysterious dinner party a...