Set in the fictional Japanese town of Titipu, "Mikado" tells the story of Nanki-Poo, the son of the Mikado of Japan, who has fled his father's court a...
The Pirates of Penzance, or The Slave of Duty is a comic opera written by W.S. Gilbert and composed by Arthur Sullivan. The story follows Frederic, a...
Lorenzo da Ponte's libretto for Mozart's opera *Don Giovanni* is a captivating work that explores themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of a...
This book provides concise, readable summaries of various operas, presenting the narratives of each libretto in a storytelling format. It aims to make...
This book presents a spoken "poetic" version of the libretto for the popular Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, *The Gondoliers*. It features a full cast...
Jephtha is a tragic oratorio in three acts, written by Thomas Morell and set to music by George Frideric Handel. It was first performed at the Covent...