The Claverings is a novel set in Victorian England that explores themes of social class, love, and morality. The story revolves around the Clavering f...
Set against the backdrop of 18th-century London, 'Rebel Rose' follows Mary Stuart Beaton, a descendant of the legendary Mary Queen of Scots. Having ar...
Dodo is a witty and satirical novel that paints a vivid portrait of London's high society during the late Victorian era. It follows the life of Dodo,...
In "The History of Pendennis", William Makepeace Thackeray presents a comprehensive portrait of Arthur Pendennis, a young man navigating the complexit...
Richard Steele's 'The Tender Husband' is a Restoration comedy that revolves around the comedic misadventures of a group of characters navigating the i...
The Old Bachelor is a Restoration comedy by William Congreve, known for its witty dialogue and satirical portrayal of London society. The play revolv...
Set in 18th century London, Sylph follows the story of Julia Grenville, a young woman forced into a loveless marriage with an older, manipulative man....
Set against the backdrop of London in the years leading up to World War I, 'The Head of the House of Coombe' delves into the intricate tapestry of soc...
Fanny Burney's diaries provide a unique and intimate glimpse into the life of a young woman navigating the social and literary circles of late 18th-ce...