One of the first instances of science fiction, Wells’ classic tale published in 1986 examines various controversial philosophical issues active at the...
The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells (1866–1946). The text of the novel is the narration of Edwa...
When Belinda was published in 1801, it became both controversial and popular. Controversial because of the inter-racial marriage presented in the nove...
Step into a world where time is both a tool and a weapon, where the fabric of reality hangs in the balance.
In "Atomic!" by Henry Kuttner, the boundar...
LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 different recordings of Against Indifference by Charles Webbe. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of Jan...
This book is a collection of three homilies by St. John Chrysostom, a fourth-century Archbishop of Constantinople. Chrysostom, one of the most famous...