Fishing with a Worm by Bliss Perry includes the poignant and philosophical observations of a fly fisherman lured by the worm. Bliss Perry was a profes...
The Reverend Gilbert White was the curate of the village of Selborne, a village in Hampshire, from 1784 to his death in 1793, living most of his life...
Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb was born on June 23, 1876. At seventeen years of age, he began writing for the Paducah Daily News, his hometown paper. At nine...
1819 gerät das Handelshaus, bei dem Johanna Schopenhauer ihr ganzes Geld angelegt hat, in Zahlungsschwierigkeiten. Beim anschließenden Vergleich verli...
Diese 35 kurzen Reiseberichte entstanden, als Theodor Fontane 1852 zum zweiten Mal nach London reiste. Die Stadt faszinierte ihn, und sowohl die guten...
Specimen Days is essentially the great American poet Walt Whitman's scrap book. It documents most of his life's adventures, especially his experience...
Squirrels and other Fur-Bearers, a collection of essays by American naturalist and essayist, John Burroughs, provides fascinating insight into the dai...
Die "Nachtwachen" ist romantisches Werk von Ernst August Friedrich Klingemann, das dieser unter dem Pseudonym "Bonaventura" veröffentlicht hat. Es geh...
FRANCES CALDERON DE LA BARCA, born in Edinburgh, 1804, the daughter of William Inglis. After her father's death she settled in America, where she marr...
In American Notes, Rudyard Kipling, the Nobel Prize-winning author of the Jungle Book, visits the USA. As the travel-diary of an Anglo-Indian Imperial...