Two-hundred years after a global nuclear war, two explorers from a research outpost, that largely survived the cataclysm, discover a settlement of hum...
"Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest" is a narration of his life story by Abel, a Venezuelan, to a comrade. Once a wealthy young man, he...
In "Höhlenkinder - Im Heimlichen Grund", two orphaned children, Eva and Peter, are separated from civilization and find themselves stranded in a remot...
In a world ravaged by climate change, humanity has been reduced to primitive tribes struggling for survival. Burl, a young hunter, embarks on a journe...
In 'Vóór Adam's tijd', een jongen ervaart levendige dromen waarin hij zich bevindt in de prehistorie, als een vroege mensachtige. Hij ervaart de ruige...
This 1913 book by Charles Francis Saunders, a renowned botanist, offers a captivating journey through the natural wonders of California. Saunders, wi...
Waldo Emerson Smith-Jones, a pampered and cowardly young man, finds himself stranded on a dangerous jungle island after being swept overboard during a...
This book explores the early stages of human evolution, depicting the lives of cave people in a prehistoric setting. It follows their journey from a s...
Og, a young caveman, is separated from his tribe during a cataclysmic volcanic eruption. Thrust into a world of danger and uncertainty, Og embarks on...
In the heart of the African jungle, a British lord and his wife are left to perish after a mutiny. Their infant son, abandoned and alone, is found an...
In Edgar Rice Burroughs's *Land of Hidden Men*, Gordon King, a young American, finds himself thrust into the heart of a mysterious jungle. He faces an...