The Conjure Woman is a collection of seven short stories by Charles Waddell Chesnutt, set in the post-Civil War South. The stories feature a white car...
This captivating tale follows Lady Bridget O'Hara, an Englishwoman who travels to colonial Australia after a failed love affair. She encounters a rugg...
Walter Malone's 'Opportunity' is a collection of poems that explores themes of hope, struggle, and the pursuit of dreams, particularly within the cont...
'Colonel's Dream' by Charles Waddell Chesnutt delves into the harsh realities of Reconstruction in the post-Civil War South. It paints a bleak picture...
Eliza Crossing the River is a short story by Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The story follows Eliza, a young slave woman, as...
Sixty Years in Southern California 1853-1913 by Harris Newmark is a fascinating and informative account of the early days of Los Angeles. Newmark, who...
This book is a biography of James Weldon Johnson, an American author, educator, lawyer, diplomat, songwriter, and civil rights activist. Johnson is be...
O Mulato é um romance do autor brasileiro Aluísio Azevedo que retrata a sociedade maranhense do século XIX. A história gira em torno de Raimundo, um...
A collection of essays and reflections that provides a comprehensive examination of key issues and challenges faced by African-Americans at the turn o...
''Conquest'' by Oscar Micheaux is a semi-autobiographical novel that delves into the experiences of an African-American man navigating the challenges...
The Kerner Commission Report, officially titled 'Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders', is a landmark document that examines...
This book presents Frederick Douglass's powerful speech delivered at the unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument in Lincoln Park, Washington D.C., on Apr...
Finding a Way Out is the autobiography of Robert R. Moton, a prominent African American educator and civil rights leader. Born into slavery in Virgini...
This powerful and harrowing memoir chronicles the experiences of Velley Lester, an African American man living in the Jim Crow South. Faced with rampa...
Úrsula, a poignant novel by Maria Firmina dos Reis, explores the complex social landscape of 19th century Brazil through the lives of Úrsula and Tancr...
A groundbreaking and insightful biography of John Brown, an influential abolitionist who fought against slavery in the United States. Written by renow...
This book is a collection of speeches, writings, public statements, and legislative acts of the Founding Fathers and Framers of the United States agai...
The Crisis is a monthly magazine published by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Founded in 1910, it is the oldes...
This collection of short stories by Lima Barreto, a renowned Brazilian author, presents a sharp critique of Brazilian society and politics. Barreto's...
This issue of *The Crisis*, the official publication of the NAACP, focuses on the pressing issues of racial prejudice and inequality in early 20th-cen...