In this thrilling series of tales set in the untamed West, three teenage telegraphers embark on a series of heart-pounding escapades. With their knowl...
This book follows a group of Camp Fire Girls who are spending their Christmas holiday in the Allegheny Mountains. The girls face various challenges, i...
Robinson Crusoë, a young Englishman, finds himself shipwrecked on a deserted island after a violent storm. Alone and stranded, he faces the challenges...
The Girl Who Had Nothing tells the story of a young orphan who finds herself in dire circumstances. Faced with poverty and despair, she throws herself...
In the final months of the American Civil War, five Northern prisoners devise a daring plan to escape from the Confederate capital of Richmond using a...
Francis Bond Head's 'Rough Notes' provides a firsthand account of his travels across the Pampas and Andes in the 1820s. The book details his experienc...
The Pony Rider Boys are back in action, this time in the beautiful and rugged Carolina Mountains. They face new challenges, including treacherous weat...
This book, written by Richard Wilson, retells classic Indian stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics. It aims to introduce young English-speak...
AdventureFictionScience FictionChildren's Literature
En "Dos Años de Vacaciones", Jules Verne narra la historia de un grupo de niños que se encuentran varados en una isla desierta tras un naufragio. Atra...
Radio Planet is a classic science fiction novel by Ralph Milne Farley that explores the challenges and rewards of scientific ingenuity and resourceful...
This volume of *The Black Cat*, a popular literary magazine of the late 19th century, presents a collection of eight original short stories exploring...
Pee-Wee Harris Adrift is a classic children's adventure novel by Percy Keese Fitzhugh. The book follows the misadventures of Pee-Wee Harris, a lovable...