Men of Iron is an 1891 novel by the American author Howard Pyle, who also illustrated it. Set in the 15th century, it is a juvenile "coming of age" wo...
I, Robot is a collection of short stories exploring the implications of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence. Asimov introduces his famous T...
This collection of short stories by Robert Sheckley explores themes of technology, humanity, and the unexpected consequences of progress. In 'Watchbir...
Tunnel Under the World is a science fiction novel by Frederik Pohl that explores the nature of reality, identity, and the human condition. The protago...
Astounding Stories 01, published in January 1930, is a landmark anthology of early science fiction. This inaugural issue features stories by Murray Le...
R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) is a groundbreaking play that explores the ethical and societal implications of artificial intelligence. The play...
This anthology features a collection of short stories and serialized fiction published in the October 1930 issue of Astounding Stories magazine. The s...
In the year 2430, Tarrano, a genetically engineered superhuman, leads a rebellion against the tyrannical, technologically advanced regime that control...
This collection of short stories features a diverse range of science fiction tales, exploring themes of time travel, futuristic technology, interplane...
This 1931 edition of *Astounding Stories* features a collection of thrilling tales that explore the boundaries of science and the imagination. From th...
This collection features three science fiction short stories by Randall Garrett, written under various pseudonyms. Known for his witty and satirical...
In a world ravaged by war and a devastating plague, humanity finds itself enslaved by the very machines they created. The robot armies, originally des...
On the harsh and unforgiving planet Loren Two, a group of outlaws led by the rugged Hyugens attempt to establish an illegal colony. Their efforts are...