This novel revolves around the problematic issue of money. Michael returns from Australia a rich man, but he hides this fact from everybody. Instead o...
This is a delightful little story about the most successful banker on Wall Street, who finds his philanthropic side when one of his former employees i...
In "Empire of Business", renowned industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie shares his insights on the economic landscape of America at the tur...
In 'They Who Knock at Our Gates', Mary Antin delves into the multifaceted and often controversial issue of immigration, challenging readers to look be...
The story follows the titular Lady Bountiful, a wealthy and well-intentioned woman who uses her wealth to support various charitable causes. However,...
In "Crisi dell'infanzia e la delinquenza dei minorenni", Scipio Sighele delves into the complexities of childhood and juvenile delinquency, examining...