The White Linen Nurse is a hysterical story of an exhausted nurse who comes to regret her profession and then somehow finds herself caring for the inv...
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Madame Midas," a gripping tale of mystery and intrigue. The story unfolds in the enigmatic underbelly of...
In "He Fell in Love with His Wife," James, a struggling farmer, desperately seeks a capable housekeeper to help him keep his farm afloat. Meanwhile, A...
Chatterer the Red Squirrel, a mischievous and curious creature, finds himself forced to leave his beloved home. His journey leads him to an unexpecte...
Arsene Lupin, the famous gentleman-burglar, appears where he is least expected, to the dismay of a young and snobbish daughter of a millionaire who is...
In 'Great Man: A Frolic,' Arnold Bennett satirizes the social dynamics and aspirations of early 20th-century England through the unexpected literary s...
This story centers around three friends, Delia, Lily, and Kate, who are students at the Coventry Institute. Their final day of school is marked by a u...
A delightful and engaging novel that follows the misadventures of a confirmed bachelor as he navigates the complexities of life, love, and family. Wit...
Theros, un relato de Benito Pérez Galdós, nos transporta en un viaje a través de España, desde Cádiz hasta Cantabria. La historia se desarrolla en un...
The Black Cat was a monthly literary magazine that published original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Many writers were larg...
The story revolves around Miss Buzby's boarding house, which is full of an eclectic group of theatrical types. As the story unfolds, we learn about th...
''Lady of the Barge'' is a collection of short stories by W. W. Jacobs, known for their blend of humor and unsettling twists. The stories often featu...
Erskine Fowler is a respected member of his community, a man with a seemingly ordinary life. However, beneath the surface of his normalcy lies a secre...