Nevi’im (JPSA) 07: Judges

Nevi’im (JPSA) 07: Judges

by Jewish Publication Society of America

The Book of Judges is the second of the former prophets within Nevi’im. It covers the time between the conquest described in the Book of Joshua and the establishment of a kingdom in the Books of Samuel, during which Biblical judges served as temporary leaders. Judges tell of the struggle of the people to possess the land. When the people are unfaithful, G_d delivers them into the hands of their enemies; once the people repent, mercy is given, a Judge delivers them from oppression until the cycle repeats. Judges concludes with two appendices (17:1–21:25), giving two stories set in the time of the Judges, but not discussing the Judges themselves.

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The Jewish Publication Society (JPS), originally known as the Jewish Publication Society of America, is the oldest nonprofit, nondenominational publisher of Jewish works in English. Founded in Philade...

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