The story follows the life of a young orphan girl named Rosa Marie, who is adopted by a kind and loving family. Despite her difficult past, Rosa Marie...
Danny is the proverbial basket-on-the-doorstep baby, found by Hank and Elmira Walters, a childless couple who welcome him into their home because they...
This classic mystery novel, set in Victorian England, follows Juliet Byrne, an adopted woman who discovers the truth about her past just as her father...
This novel delves into the complex theme of nature versus nurture as it follows the journey of a young man raised by a respectable family despite his...
Timothy Crump's Ward follows a young girl, mysteriously left on the doorstep of a poor family on New Year's Eve. The family, despite their struggles,...
This poignant and heartwarming memoir tells the story of a young boy's childhood in early 20th-century Japan. After being adopted into a new family, t...
Almond-Blossom is a compelling and moving story following the intertwined lives of Doro and Rex, two siblings who grow up together after their parents...
In 'Anne Severn and the Fieldings,' May Sinclair crafts a poignant tale of love, loss, and the enduring impact of war. Anne Severn, orphaned and adopt...
The story of an orphan girl named Nina who is adopted by a religious aunt who mistreats her. Nina has been haunted by a mysterious woman in black for...
In a remote lighthouse perched on a rocky outcrop, young Alick dreams of change. His life, though peaceful, is monotonous, confined to the rhythmic s...
In Wilkie Collins's "Hide and Seek", Valentine Blyth, a compassionate artist, takes in a deaf orphan girl, Madonna, who he secretly fears could be rec...
The story follows Madame Okraska, a renowned artist, and her adopted daughter, whose lives are deeply intertwined with the complexities of artistic br...
Kittyboy's Christmas follows the intertwined stories of young Elinor, who passionately believes in Santa Claus and encourages her friend Bill to write...
Legacy of Cain is a Victorian-era novel centered on the lives of two sisters, Eunice and Helena. They have been raised in idyllic surroundings by thei...
Shasta of the Wolves tells the tale of a young boy abandoned and raised by a she-wolf named Nitka. Living among the wolves, Shasta learns their ways...
The story follows Mildred Keith and her struggle to find her place in her new adoptive family. She must navigate the challenges of adjusting to a diff...
Wharton Cameron, a young American engineer, finds himself stranded in Mexico during the tumultuous years of the Mexican Revolution. Adopted by a wealt...
In the heart of the African jungle, a British lord and his wife are left to perish after a mutiny. Their infant son, abandoned and alone, is found an...