Electra is a Spanish drama that explores the life of a young woman named Electra, whose past is shrouded in mystery. Raised in a convent, Electra is a...
Il romanzo segue le vite di Adele Ruzzani, una giovane donna che cerca l'amore, e un zelante sottoprefetto in una tranquilla cittadina di provincia it...
Manon Lescaut is a classic novel of passionate love and tragic fate. The story follows the Chevalier des Grieux, a young man who falls deeply in love...
This volume of "Celebrated Crimes" delves into the infamous case of Urbain Grandier, a charismatic priest accused of witchcraft by nuns of a nearby co...
Sister Dolorosa follows the journey of a young, beautiful nun within the confines of a Carmelite convent in 19th-century Kentucky. The narrative explo...
The Princess Zoubaroff is a satirical comedy set in Florence, Italy, during the early 20th century. The play follows the tumultuous lives of a group o...
This historical novel, set during the period of the Spanish Inquisition in Mexico, explores the lives of nuns within the walls of a convent. The narra...
The book recounts the story of a young nun, Barbara Ubryk, who is imprisoned in a secret subterranean chamber within a Carmelite convent in Cracow. Th...