The story revolves around Judith, a daring and beautiful widow, who is upset with her Jewish countrymen for being unwilling to engage their foreign co...
"If anybody cares to read a simple tale told simply" ... thus opens Lorna Doone, one of the best love stories ever written. The novel has inspired at...
The Little Colonel is a novel by Annie Fellows Johnston. The story is set in Kentucky and tells the tale of a young girl who is known as the Little Co...
Lysbeth, a young Dutch girl, navigates a tumultuous world during the Spanish Inquisition. She faces hardship and peace, sorrow and joy, and ultimatel...
Clara Vaughan is a young woman determined to solve the mystery of her father's murder, a crime that occurred when she was just a child. Years later,...
Euripides' *Alcestis* is a powerful and moving tragedy exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and the nature of mortality. Alcestis, a virtuous queen,...
Le Livre de Judith est un texte biblique appartenant au Deuterocanon, un groupe de livres considérés comme faisant partie du canon biblique par les ca...
Sir Charles Grandison, a multi-volume epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson, tells the story of Harriet Byron, a young woman of virtue and intelligenc...
This 1916 work explores the lives of twelve remarkable women whose actions have shaped world history. From iconic figures like Cleopatra and Helen of...
In "Sealed Message," Fergus Hume crafts a captivating tale centered around a mysterious message concealed within a sealed cylinder. The narrative unfo...
The Book of Judith recounts the story of a Jewish widow named Judith, who uses her beauty and strategic cunning to defeat the Assyrian general Holofer...