The book tells the story of a group of criminals who come together to commit a series of daring heists using their unique skills and abilities. It was...
In 'Operation: Outer Space,' Jed Cochrane faces a unique challenge: leading humanity's first interstellar voyage while ensuring it's compelling telev...
Dans "Vingtième Siècle", Albert Robida imagine un futur où les femmes dominent le monde juridique et où la technologie a révolutionné la vie quotidien...
Set in early 20th-century London, *The Secret Agent* by Joseph Conrad follows Adolf Verloc, a seemingly ordinary shopkeeper and a secret agent for a f...
In Balzac's "Lost Illusions: A Distinguished Provincial at Paris," Lucien de Rubempré, a young man with literary aspirations, leaves his provincial li...
The story follows the inhabitants of Huckley, an English village, who are convinced by a cunning group of individuals that the Earth is flat. Through...
Flash Evans, Camera News Hawk is a children's adventure novel following the exploits of Jimmy 'Flash' Evans, a 17-year-old aspiring photographer worki...
In "The American Newspaper," Will Irwin presents a critical examination of journalism at the turn of the 20th century. He analyzes the origins, purpos...