A young man named Anodos experiences dream-like adventures in Fairy Land, where he meets tree-spirits, endures the presence of the overwhelming shadow...
Die Erzählung Ein Landarzt von Franz Kafka entstand im Jahr 1917 und wurde 1918 veröffentlicht. Im Jahre 1919 erschien das Buch Ein Landarzt mit der E...
"Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt..." So beginnt...
Metamorfoze is a novel by Dutch author Louis Couperus, first published in 1897. The novel tells the story of Hugo Aylva, a young writer who is struggl...
Splendid Outcast is a gripping war novel that delves into the complexities of identity, deception, and courage. The story centers around Jim Horton, a...
Venus y Adonis es un largo poema narrativo escrito por William Shakespeare en el siglo XVI. La historia se basa en el mito clásico de la diosa romana...
MythologyReference workEducationChildren's Literature
This book is a concise prose summary of Ovid's "Metamorphoses," a collection of mythological tales. It covers the key stories from the original 15-boo...
The author presents a unique perspective on the history of the Earth, viewing it as an organism that has undergone a series of metamorphic transformat...
This volume delves into John Donne's "Satires", a collection of poems employing a unique and challenging style. Donne's work utilizes intricate wordp...
Wir sind - Neue Gedichte by Franz Werfel is a collection of poems that showcases the poet's exploration of themes of identity, loss, and the human con...
La Metamorfosis, escrita por Franz Kafka en 1912, explora la transformación repentina de Gregorio Samsa en un insecto gigante. Esta transformación no...
Orlando is a fictional biography that follows the adventures of Orlando, a character who initially identifies as a male aristocrat but later transform...