Exacerbated by several high-profile Hollywood scandals, a wave of anti-Hollywood rhetoric tried to paint the movie capital as a veritable hotbed of cr...
Serialized in Shadowland from November 1921 to February 1922, Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners is Theodore Dreiser's shocking four part expose on the...
A collection of interviews originally published in Moving Picture World that aims to give the movie-mad public "intimate pen pictures of the stars of...
Silent film star, Mae Marsh, recounts her life as an actress in this publication, what she deems as being the answer to thousands of letters written t...
"A complete exposé of the modus operandi of fire eaters, heat resisters, poison eaters, venomous reptile defiers, sword swallowers, human ostriches, s...
The 1873 edition of the autobiography of the founding genius of the "Greatest Show on Earth," P.T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum. It details his life and bu...
An authorized biography of Lillian Gish, the renowned silent film star known in her heyday as the First Lady of American Cinema. Albert Bigelow Paine...
In presenting this autobiography to the public, the author feels it incumbent upon herself to impress upon her readers the fidelity and strict adheren...
Step into the vibrant world of William Shakespeare's most iconic plays in "Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609" by Bernard Beckerman, a captivating ex...