The story of a young woman named Rachel West who is forced to navigate the complex social hierarchy of Victorian England. The book was first published...
This is a captivating anthology that showcases the diverse and rich artistic landscape of Australia during the early 20th century. Published in 1917,...
The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only published novel written by Oscar Wilde, and first came out as the lead story in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine o...
Theodor Storm's "Aquis Submersus" delves into the enigma of a deceased boy's portrait, intertwined with the diary entries of the 17th-century painter,...
Le Portrait de Dorian Gray est une œuvre littéraire emblématique d'Oscar Wilde. L'histoire suit Dorian Gray, un homme d'une beauté extraordinaire qui...
The Black Cat, a monthly literary magazine that ran from 1895 to 1922, was dedicated to publishing original short stories with a focus on the uncanny...
François Derome's *Reminiscences et Portraits: Kamouraska* offers a glimpse into the lives and landscapes of 19th-century Kamouraska, Quebec. Derome,...
This volume of "The Black Cat" features five original short stories. "For Dear Old Yale" presents a game of cards with high stakes. "The Casket of Pan...