In 'Outlet,' Andy Adams recounts his experiences as a foreman leading a herd of Texas cattle on a grueling drive to Montana. This firsthand account o...
This collection of short stories, published in 1900, presents a glimpse into the rugged life of the American West in the late 19th century. Owen Wist...
In the unforgiving landscape of the American Southwest, Jack Hare, a young cowboy, finds himself caught in a web of intrigue and danger. Saved from a...
'Red Men and White' is a collection of short stories set in the American West during the late 19th century. The stories explore themes of conflict and...
Published in 1885, "A Texas Cowboy" is a captivating memoir written by Charles A. Siringo, a former cowboy and lawman. The book offers a firsthand gli...
Beth and Patsy, along with their Uncle John, decide to spend the winter at a hotel in the little village of Hollywood, where they get drawn into the n...
In 1911, long before the iconic California Highway 1 existed, an Englishman named Joseph Smeaton Chase embarked on a solitary journey along the entire...
In 'Dude Wrangler,' Caroline Lockhart presents a charming tale of a wealthy, spoiled Easterner who travels to Wyoming and encounters a strong-willed a...
This collection of poems by Charles Badger Clark captures the essence of the American West, its rugged beauty, and the lives of its inhabitants. Clark...
Set in the rugged landscape of the American West, "Coming of the Law" follows Hollis, a young Eastern reporter who inherits his father's ranch and new...
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner is a classic Western mystery novel by Max Brand, set against the backdrop of a remote ranch in the American West. The stor...
Set in the rugged Canadian wilderness, "Hound From the North" follows Prudence, a young woman who runs a ranch in southern Manitoba. Her life is throw...
This novel follows the journey of a young woman, raised in New York City, as she travels west to join her father on his ranch. She faces a dangerous a...
Britt Hunter, a rancher struggling to make a living on his small ranch, the Quirt, finds himself constantly battling the powerful and encroaching Sawt...
This volume of *The Black Cat* magazine features five short stories that explore themes of love, loss, adventure, and the unexpected. The stories rang...