Malachi (or Malachias, מַלְאָכִי, Malʾaḫi, Mál'akhî) is a book of the Bible Old Testament and Jewish Tanakh, written by the prophet Malachi. Possibly...
The history of the first return of exiles, in the first year of Cyrus the Great (536 B.C.), till the completion and dedication of the new Temple in Je...
Thomas D'Arcy McGee was an Irish refugee and a father of the Canadian confederation. His work on Irish history is comprehensive, encompassing twelve b...
This book is the eighth in a series of twelve books on the history of Ireland by Thomas D'Arcy McGee. It covers the late Tudor period, particularly th...
Set against the backdrop of the Eighty Years' War and the Reformation, "The Miracle Doctor of Delft" tells the story of Juliaan, a young man who has f...
El Libro de la Vida es una autobiografía espiritual escrita por Santa Teresa de Ávila. Narra su viaje espiritual, desde su infancia hasta la fundación...