In the enchanting world of "The Browning Boys" by Pansy, four young hearts beat as one, bound by brotherhood and the unbreakable ties of family. Step...
Dive into the untold stories that shaped the world of Jane Austen's beloved novels with "Jane Austen's Sailor Brothers" by Edith Hubback Brown. Unveil...
Step into the enchanting world of summer adventure in "The Bobbsey Twins at Cedar Camp" by Laura Lee Hope. A sunlit haven awaits as the lovable Bobbse...
Embark on a heartwarming adventure with "The Bobbsey Twins and Baby May," a tale that promises laughter, surprises, and the joy of family. In this del...
Follow Bobby Bobolink on his exciting adventures as he explores the world beyond his nest and learns valuable lessons about life, friendship, and brav...
This delightful novel begins when a family of five children moves from London to the English countryside. While playing in a gravel pit soon after the...
FantasyAdventureFictionHumourChildren's Literature
Oswald, Dora, Dicky, Alice, H.O, and Noel fill their free time with entertainments that don't always turn out as they plan. But whether telling fortun...
The Phoenix and the Carpet is a fantasy novel for children, written in 1904 by E. Nesbit. It is the second in a trilogy of novels that began with Five...
The Story of the Amulet is a novel for children, written in 1906 by E. Nesbit. It is the final part of a trilogy of novels that also includes Five Chi...
Laddie is a heartwarming and nostalgic story about a young girl's journey of self-discovery and the power of family. Set in the early 1900s in the rur...
Jill's Red Bag is a children's adventure story featuring Jill, her brother Jack, and their younger sister, Bumps. Known for their mischievous and ener...
Gemeindekind is a moving and thought-provoking story about two siblings, Pavel and Maria, who are orphaned after their father is executed and their mo...
Heron Nest is a heartwarming story set in upstate New York during the early 1900s. The Heron family, led by the resourceful and inventive Billy, face...
The story revolves around Tomokichi, a young boy who experiences the hardships of family separation and the emotional journey of reuniting with his lo...
This novel follows the lives of Bertha and Richard Grant, siblings who navigate the challenges of growing up and learning valuable lessons. Bertha emb...
Armand Durand, set in 19th-century Quebec, explores the complexities of family dynamics and societal pressures through the lives of two brothers, Arma...
Bunny Brown and his sister Sue are excited to visit their Grandpa's farm. The story follows their adventures as they explore the farm, meet new animal...
In "Six Little Bunkers at Grandma Bell's" by Laura Lee Hope, we are introduced to the Bunker family and their six lively children. The story unfolds i...
Lucy and Dora are not sisters, but their bond is just as strong. They live in a small New England town, and their adventures often revolve around thei...
In the small town of Le Havre, France, the Lebras family is thrown into turmoil when the patriarch of the family dies and leaves his entire fortune to...
Bunny Brown and his younger sister, Sue, embark on exciting adventures and escapades in the picturesque setting of the Big Woods. Accompanied by their...
Bunny Brown and his sister Sue are excited to spend the whole summer at Camp Rest-a-While with their parents, Uncle Tad, Bunker Blue, and their dog Sp...
The Six Little Bunkers are back for more adventures in this exciting sequel! This time, they're off to visit their Aunt Jo in Boston. Along the way, t...