“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” tells the story of Ichabod Crane, sent to investigate the mystery of the headless horseman. The story is set in 1790 in...
The Bridge Builders is also a tale of the death of the Gods as their place in the earth is taken by the things of science. A close description of the...
Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Is a two-volume collection of essays and short stories composed by Washington Irving while he was liv...
Anton Chekhov was a Russian doctor who turned to fiction as a hobby, and quickly blossomed into one of the masters of the short story genre. Though he...
The fable is a small narrative, in prose or verse, which has as its main characteristic the aim of conveying a moral lesson (the "moral"), implicitly...
Our narrator, Bob, knows George Bowring from school days. Their lives, dreams and misfortunes are parallel until George marries the woman Bob loves. B...
Parmenter and Lee are good friends who attend Concord College. But a hazing incident tears the friendship apart, and affects the lives of both the haz...
This book provides concise, readable summaries of various operas, presenting the narratives of each libretto in a storytelling format. It aims to make...