One of the earliest polished examples of existential literature, Notes from the Underground follows the life of a recluse and depicts his antagonistic...
On Liberty is a philosophical essay by the English philosopher John Stuart Mill. Published in 1859, it applies Mill's ethical system of utilitarianism...
The great civil liberties we enjoy today, like Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, have their foundation in Freedom of Thought. Without being...
A charming and thoughtful view of life in Canada experienced while vacationing on a small island in summer. The author is a women who is independent,...
Marius the Epicurean is a philosophical novel written by Walter Pater, published in 1885. In it Pater displays, with fullness and elaboration, his ide...
Pascal's Pensées is widely considered to be a masterpiece, and a landmark in French prose. When commenting on one particular section (Thought #72), Sa...
This collection of poems by James Thomson explores the beauty of nature and the human experience. With a focus on the emotions and thoughts inspired b...
The Anatomy of Melancholy is a unique and wide-ranging work that explores the nature of human emotion and thought through the lens of melancholy. Draw...
The Anatomy of Melancholy is a unique and multifaceted work that explores the nature of human emotion and thought through the lens of melancholia. Dra...
The Idiot is a satirical novel by John Kendrick Bangs that follows a group of single gentlemen living together in a boarding house. The protagonist,...
This posthumously assembled collection of essays by William Hazlitt, organized by his grandson, presents a diverse range of Hazlitt's insights on vari...
Snowflakes is a collection of poems by Esther Nelson Karn, exploring a wide range of themes and emotions. The poems delve into the beauty and fragilit...
This collection brings together the poetry, prose, and essays of Evgeny Baratynsky, a Russian poet considered one of the most brilliant and enigmatic...
This collection brings together three of Sir Thomas Browne's most celebrated works: *Religio Medici*, *Hydriotaphia*, and *Letter to a Friend*. Browne...
This collection brings together 32 essays by Richard Middleton, an author known for his ghost stories, but also a skilled poet and essayist. These ess...
Edited by Canadian poet laureate Bliss Carman, this anthology gathers notable poems that explore our sensibilities and essential human qualities: memo...
This collection, titled 'Atlantic Classics by Various,' brings together sixteen essays initially deemed worthy but ultimately passed over for publicat...
This collection of poems by Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, offers a glimpse into her spiritual thought and understanding of God, h...
John Dewey's 'Human Nature and Conduct' delves into the complexities of human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between innate impulses and ingraine...
“Rimas de dentro” es una colección de poemas de Miguel de Unamuno, uno de los escritores más importantes de la literatura española. Los poemas abarcan...
George Forbes's "History of Astronomy" is a comprehensive exploration of the development of astronomical understanding from ancient civilizations to t...
'Twelve Types' by G.K. Chesterton delves into the lives and personalities of twelve significant figures in European culture. Through insightful essays...
Jung's seminal work on the psychology of the unconscious explores the transformations and symbolisms of the libido, delving into the history of the ev...
The Waning of the Middle Ages examines the social, cultural, and intellectual climate of late medieval France and the Netherlands, specifically during...