In E.T.A. Hoffmann's whimsical tale, 'Königsbraut,' a young woman named Ännchen discovers a magical ring in her father's carrot patch. This seemingly...
This book is a comprehensive guide to vegetable gardening, providing practical advice for all aspects of cultivation, from planning and preparing the...
Lendas dos Vegetais by Eduardo Sequeira is a comprehensive exploration of the legends, myths, and cultural significance surrounding 63 different plant...
Hannah Glasse's *Complete Confectioner* is a comprehensive guide to the art of confectionery and preserving, offering a glimpse into the culinary prac...
'Choice Recipes and Menus using Canned Foods' by American Can Company is a practical guide to cooking with canned goods. It features over 130 recipes...
A comprehensive guide to British cuisine, featuring recipes and cooking advice from Jessie Conrad, wife of celebrated author Joseph Conrad. With secti...
The Cabbage, is a book of poems by American poet Madison Cawein. The poems in the collection are all about cabbages, and they explore the many differe...