It is a thrilling mystery novel that is sure to captivate young readers. The book was first published in 1903, but its engaging plot and well-crafted...
It is a captivating mystery novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the world of crime and investigation. Written by Sayers, a renowne...
It is a classic mystery novel that follows the investigation of a wealthy man's murder. The story is set in 19th century England and is full of twists...
It is an intriguing collection of detective stories that will captivate young readers with its clever mysteries and memorable characters. Written by t...
It is an engaging and suspenseful detective novel suitable for young readers. Ronald Knox, this captivating mystery takes readers on a thrilling journ...
It is an intriguing and captivating book that will keep young readers on the edge of their seats. This book offers a thrilling and mysterious journey...
"Prince Zaleski" is a captivating book written by M. P. Shiel that will transport 13-year-old readers into a world of mystery and intrigue. This colle...
First published in 1898, this classic work has stood the test of time and continues to enthrall audiences with its clever plot and intriguing charact...
This is a captivating children's mystery book filled with suspense and adventure. This timeless story has been enjoyed by young readers for many years...
In the enchanting world of Penwick Manor, where secrets lie as thick as the morning mist, an ancient curse stirs once more, setting the stage for an e...