This is the second volume in the series, The Story of the World, which covers the period of history from the rise of Rome to the Conquest of Peru. Alo...
"Amidst the untamed wilderness, a group of resolute crusaders embark on a quest to forge a New France. Unveil the captivating saga of the 'Crusaders o...
Follows the fortunes of the son of a noble Saxon family in Norman England as he woos his lady, disobeys his father, and is loved by another. Set in la...
Lāčplēsis is an epic poem by Andrejs Pumpurs, a Latvian poet, who wrote it between 1872-1887 based on local legends. Lāčplēsis is regarded as the Latv...
Historische Übersichten by Friedrich von Schiller (1759 – 1805). Schiller, einer der Weimarer Klassiker, bekannt als Dichter und Dramatiker, gibt in...
Eva March Tappan's "When Knights Were Bold" provides a glimpse into the lives and customs of people living in the Middle Ages, spanning from the 8th t...