This version of the classic tale of the three bears has a heroine named Golden Hair. The jolly bears, instead of chasing her away from their home, com...
Paralyzed in an accident while a baby, young Prince Dolor is imprisoned in a lonely tower by his usurping uncle. He is visited by his mysterious godmo...
Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di un burattino è il titolo del romanzo ottocentesco che ha come protagonista un notissimo personaggio di finzione,...
Three children, forced to remain at school during the holidays, go in search of adventure. What they find is a magic castle straight out of a fairy ta...
A little boy, recuperating from a lengthy illness, is entertained by visits from the Counterpane Fairy, who treats him to stories associated with each...
Das skurriles Märchen „Meister Floh“ erzählt die Geschichte des frauenscheuen Träumers Peregrinus Tyß und dessen Begegnung mit dem weisen und gelehrte...
De retour de sa campagne, la Baronne de ... va voir la Marquise de ..., qui n'a plus fermé l'oeil depuis quinze jours. Qu'est-ce qui mieux qu'un disco...