"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee, set in a small Southern town in the 1930s. The story follows the trial of a b...
In "Letters to a Daughter," delve into the intimate and profound correspondence of Hubert Bland, a man whose words resonate across time, reaching out...
Ring Lardner is a typical parent when his first child is born, full of wonder and the rest of the usual emotions as he watches his little son grow. He...
LibriVox volunteers bring you 10 recordings of A Baby Running Barefoot by D. H. Lawrence. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of Septembe...
This volume of Victor Hugo's epic novel, *Les Misérables*, focuses on Jean Valjean's journey as an ex-convict seeking a new life free from his past....
Robert Jones Burdette's "Chimes From A Jester's Bells" is a delightful and thought-provoking collection of stories and sketches that explore the compl...
'The Toys' is a short, poignant poem by Coventry Patmore, exploring the themes of childhood innocence, loss, and the enduring power of love and memory...
George Washington Cable's "A New Arrival" is a short poem that celebrates the arrival of a new baby and the profound joy and responsibilities it bring...
Set in the opulent yet unforgiving Parisian society of the early 19th century, *Father Goriot* explores the complex dynamics of love, family, and soci...
'All That Matters' by Edgar A. Guest is a collection of poems that celebrate the simple joys and important moments of life. The poems focus on themes...
This book presents a collection of letters written by Theodore Roosevelt to his children during their school years. These letters offer a glimpse into...
Take It From Dad is a heartwarming and humorous collection of letters from a father to his son away at school for the first time. Each letter is fille...
Windy McPherson's Son explores the complexities of ambition, success, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of personal and professional challenges...
This book is a collection of essays that explore the many facets of fatherhood. The author, S.E. Kiser, writes with humor and insight about the joys,...
This book tells the tale of Chanticleer, an intelligent rooster, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and life experiences. The story unfolds th...
In "His Memory," Ring Lardner combines heartfelt emotion with his signature wit to explore the profound bond between a father and son. Through a seri...
An inspiring collection of poems that explores the multifaceted role of fathers and their enduring impact on the lives of their children. Guest's hear...
In 'A Parental Ode to My Son, Aged Three Years and Five Months', Thomas Hood presents a humorous and affectionate portrayal of fatherhood through the...