Jack the Giant-Killer, Tom Thumb, Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Henny Penny, Dick Whittington, The Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood and a host of...
These delightful stories created by the writer known famously as the Bedtime Story Man provide hours of endless enjoyment for readers both young and o...
Filled with descriptions of the magnificent Swiss Alps, the lives of the simple country folk who live in their picturesque peaks and valleys and the g...
Compiled by an American missionary, West African Folk Tales by William H Barker is a delightful collection of folk tales from Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Ma...
Whether you're a parent or a child, a young reader or an older one, the Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter is indeed just that – a treasure chest of...
I perceived my dear wife attired in a pink gauze dress covered with silver spangles, approaching with many graceful bounds. My children clung around m...