Wise and Otherwise is a novel that tells the story of Immature Mr. Tresevant, a young pastor who comes to Newton with his spoiled wife. He is immediat...
In His Steps follows the journey of a congregation in a small town as they grapple with the challenge to live their lives according to the teachings o...
Herrn Arnes Schatz erzählt die Geschichte eines Mordes, der eine kleine schwedische Gemeinde erschüttert. Der reiche Pfarrer von Solberga und seine Fa...
The Seaboard Parish is the second book in the trilogy that began with Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood. It follows the same characters as they move to...
This novel, set in a rural community, revolves around John, a young man who defies his Aunt Hannah's wishes to marry a local girl and take over the fa...
A cold winter's night sets the stage for a tale of love, rivalry, and the true meaning of Christmas. Two young women, each vying for the affection of...
Dans *La Symphonie Pastorale*, André Gide explore les complexités de l'amour, de la foi et de la moralité à travers le récit d'un pasteur qui recueill...
This book is the first volume of the autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon, one of the most influential Christian preachers of the 19th century. It cov...