Set in the first half of the 19th century, the classic novel presents the story of young orphan Oliver Twist, who endures tumultuous events in a socie...
The Blithedale Romance is a novel by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is the third major "romance", as he called the form. Its setting is a uto...
The first act takes place outside a spa overlooking a fjord. Sculptor Arnold Rubek and his wife Maia have just enjoyed breakfast and are reading newsp...
In this, de Laurence provides detailed descriptions and interpretations of each card in the tarot deck, as well as instructions on how to conduct taro...
The poem tells the story of Dymer, a young man on a quest to discover his true identity and purpose in life. It is a deeply philosophical work that ex...
It is considered a groundbreaking work in the field of esoteric philosophy, and its influence can still be felt in modern spiritual and philosophical...
This evocative piece of literature delves into the enigmatic world of crows, captivating readers with its vivid imagery and lyrical prowess.
Es ist ein packender Roman, der sich perfekt für eignet. Geschrieben von dem renommierten Autor August Strindberg, entführt dieses Buch junge Leser in...
It is an engaging and insightful book designed to help young readers develop their skills in art criticism. Written by the renowned Scottish polymath,...
A mysterious column of dust emerges, casting a shadow over the lives of all who encounter it.
In the heart of a quaint English village, nestled among...
Unlock the enchanting secrets of Arthurian romance as Lucy Allen Paton delves deep into the captivating world of fairy mythology in her groundbreaking...
In a mysterious and enchanting land, two souls entwined by fate embark on a haunting journey of love and destiny. Explore the ethereal world of "Pellé...
En una sombría y rígida comunidad puritana del siglo XVII, una misteriosa letra escarlata aparece bordada en el vestido de una joven mujer. ¿Quién es...
Step into the enchanting world of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poetic masterpiece, "From Queen's Gardens." Like a delicate thread woven through time,...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up one day and find yourself back in the past?
In The Day before Yesterday, Richard Middleton ex...
Step into a world where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, as Dorothy Scarborough takes you on a captivating journey through th...
Rain On The Down is a poem by Arthur Symons that captures the beauty and mystery of the English countryside in the rain.
The poem is set on a downlan...
"Enter the mystical realm of 'Hymns to the Night' by Novalis, where darkness and light intertwine in a dance of poetic brilliance. In this collection,...
Sumérgete en el mundo profundo y apasionado de la poesía de Miguel de Unamuno con "Poesías", una colección que trasciende el tiempo y las emociones. A...
"Peter und Alexej" von Dmitry Merezhkovsky ist ein ergreifendes Werk, das die tiefe Verbindung zwischen Peter dem Großen und seinem treuen Gefährten A...
"Enrico IV" di Luigi Pirandello è una drammatica e coinvolgente esplorazione dell'identità e della follia. La storia si apre con un evento sconvolgent...
Life is a Dream by Pedro Calderón de la Barca is a philosophical allegory that explores the nature of reality and the free will of the individual. The...
In the ethereal realm where love intertwines with destiny, "The Betrothal" by Maurice Maeterlinck weaves a tale of passion and preordained unions. Pi...
What is the nature of reality? How do we come to know what we know?
The Phenomenology of Mind, Volume 1 by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is a seminal...