An Ideal Husband is an 1895 stage play by Oscar Wilde that revolves around blackmail and political corruption, and touches on the themes of public and...
A stranger and foreigner arrives at the offices of a small publication in London only to be faced by the “editor” whose face is completely swathed in...
It is a captivating detective story. This book follows the famous detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, as they investigate the case of...
Dive into the enchanting world of "The Countess of Lowndes Square, and Other Stories" by E.F. Benson, where ordinary lives intertwine with extraordina...
Monsieur Beaucaire is a charming and witty novel that tells the story of a French nobleman, disguised as a barber, who finds himself entangled in the...
The Crystal Stopper is a thrilling crime novel that follows the adventures of the legendary thief, Arsene Lupin. When a crime is committed during a bu...
The House of White Shadows by B. L. Farjeon is a gripping story of suspense and moral conflict. The protagonist, a defense attorney, finds himself def...
Anthony Trent, a master criminal who escaped capture during his career in the USA, finds himself haunted by his past after serving in World War I. Whi...
Jimmie Dale, a wealthy playboy by day, leads a double life as The Gray Seal, a daring thief who steals nothing but thrills. His exploits draw the att...
'Grey Lady' follows the intertwined destinies of twin brothers, their lives shaped by the forces of romance, greed, and intrigue. Set against the back...
Set in the tumultuous era of the High Middle Ages, "Adelgitha" plunges the reader into a world of political intrigue and personal despair. The play re...
Set in colonial Malaya, "The Letter" follows Leslie Crosbie, the wife of a plantation manager. Accused of shooting a man who she claims attempted to a...
In 'Square Emerald,' a seemingly simple blackmail case unravels into a complex web of intrigue and danger for a resourceful female detective working f...
Dane, a private investigator, finds himself framed for murder and must race against time to clear his name and uncover the truth behind a web of black...
Fräulein Else is a psychological novel that explores the complex moral and social pressures faced by a young woman in 19th-century Vienna. Else, the d...
In a small town in upstate New York, Tim Smith, a local private investigator with a knack for gathering dirt on the town's powerful figures, finds him...