It is a thrilling mystery novel that is sure to captivate young readers. The book was first published in 1903, but its engaging plot and well-crafted...
Evelina's Garden is a mysterious and atmospheric tale set in a small New England town in the 19th century. The story centers on a mysterious woman nam...
In this satirical novel, Lucy Entwhistle enters a second marriage, only to find herself trapped in a household dominated by the ghost of her husband's...
Nestled amidst the secluded mountains, Schloss Vogelöd, an ancient manor, plays host to an enigmatic hunting party. As the elite guests gather for day...
A man named Paul Henley, drawn to a remote and decaying colonial mansion in Virginia, becomes entangled in a web of mystery and suspense. The house,...
In einem englischen Herrenhaus ist ein tiefes Geheimnis verborgen. Die Gesellschafterin Sara Leeson, eine rätselhafte Figur, versteckt nach dem Tod ih...
Dickson McCunn, a retired grocer, embarks on a walking holiday in the Scottish highlands. His peaceful journey takes an unexpected turn when he encoun...
Molly Morgenthau Babbitts, a semi-retired sleuth, takes on an intriguing assignment as a governess at the aristocratic Janney mansion on Long Island....
This book offers a glimpse into the lives of men who found refuge at the Self-Mastery Colony, a mansion in New Jersey converted into a haven for the h...
In 'Haus des schwarzen Magiers', a rational Victorian gentleman confronts a haunted mansion with a scientific mindset. His determination to unravel t...