It is a delightful and enchanting book that takes readers on a journey to the past. Written by Amanda Minnie Douglas, this captivating tale transports...
"This Country of Ours, Part 4" by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall takes readers on an enthralling expedition through the turbulent chapters of world hist...
Embark on an exhilarating expedition through the annals of time with "The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 06," a spellbinding anthology cura...
Unravel the enigmas of the past and immerse yourself in the epic tales of human history with "The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10," a cap...
Step into the corridors of time and uncover the hidden tapestry of history with "The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11," an extraordinary a...
In the shadows of the English court, a young man plots to become king.
Darnley is a historical novel by George Payne Rainsford James that tells the s...
In a remote Cornish village, a young inventor falls in love with a beautiful stranger, but their relationship is complicated by her mysterious past....
In "Hetzjagd durch die Zeit" entführt uns Egon Erwin Kisch auf eine fesselnde Reise durch die Jahrhunderte. Ein rätselhaftes Artefakt verbindet Vergan...
A journey through the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Africa, and Arabia awaits you in this captivating book.
The World's Story Volume III: Egypt, A...