The Divine Comedy, originally Commedia, is a poem by Dante Alighieri, a masterpiece of the Florentine poet, considered the most important literary tes...
Dantes *Göttliche Komödie* ist ein episches Gedicht, das in drei Teile gegliedert ist: *Inferno*, *Purgatorio* und *Paradiso*. Es erzählt die Geschich...
This book presents Saint Catherine of Genoa's insights into the nature and purpose of Purgatory, based on her personal spiritual experiences. It explo...
La Divina Commedia - Il Purgatorio è la seconda parte della trilogia di Dante Alighieri, un viaggio immaginario attraverso l'aldilà. Dante, guidato da...
The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa is a book about the life and teachings of Saint Catherine of Genoa, an Italian mystic and saint. The b...
This concise yet profound book delves into the nature of Purgatory, the realm of purification for souls awaiting their entry into Heaven. Drawing wisd...
The Divine Comedy is an epic poem by Dante Alighieri, first written in the early 14th century. It is widely considered one of the greatest works of wo...
This book presents four distinct spiritual journeys, each offering a path to salvation and understanding the process of death and rebirth. It begins w...
This book is the first part of Dante's masterpiece, the Divine Comedy. It tells the story of Dante Alighieri's journey through the nine circles of Hel...