The Divine Comedy, originally Commedia, is a poem by Dante Alighieri, a masterpiece of the Florentine poet, considered the most important literary tes...
Dantes *Göttliche Komödie* ist ein episches Gedicht, das in drei Teile gegliedert ist: *Inferno*, *Purgatorio* und *Paradiso*. Es erzählt die Geschich...
This book presents Saint Catherine of Genoa's insights into the nature and purpose of Purgatory, based on her personal spiritual experiences. It explo...
La Divina Commedia - Il Purgatorio è la seconda parte della trilogia di Dante Alighieri, un viaggio immaginario attraverso l'aldilà. Dante, guidato da...
The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa is a book about the life and teachings of Saint Catherine of Genoa, an Italian mystic and saint. The b...