An acclaimed children’s classic depicting the odd, but riveting journeys of the curious Alice as she explores the surreal world of Wonderland. Written...
Dracula tells the tale of a sinister Transylvanian aristocrat who seeks to retain his youth and strength by feeding off human blood.
The author, Bram...
A mysterious door-way, an incident of ferocious violence, a respectable and popular scientist, well-known for his enjoyable dinner parties who suddenl...
Although the novel is set in the future, it is, in effect, set in an alternative reality of Chesterton's own period, with no advances in technology no...
"Why Frau Frohmann Raised Here Prices," a charming little microeconomic fable, and some other stories, none of which are particularly memorable. Troll...
Alice travels to Blunderland where nothing is supposed to be, children live in the Municipal House of the Children and the Duchess and the City are th...
Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman is Mary Wollstonecraft's unfinished novelistic sequel to her revolutionary political treatise A Vindication of the Righ...
The novel is set in Weymouth during the Napoleonic wars; the town was then anxious about the possibility of invasion by Napoleon. Of the two brothers,...
“Under the Sunset” is a collection of eight amazing fantasy tales from the mind and imagination of the legendary Bram Stoker (Dracula.) Originally con...
This beautifully written letters showcases the lyrical and poetic rhythm of Tagore ‘s writing as he traverses Bengal and waxes eloquently on nature,...
The Jewels of Aptor is a science fantasy novel by Samuel R. Delany, his first published novel. It first appeared in shortened form as an Ace Double F-...
The author grew up in Argentina in the late 1800's and he describes a fantastical natural world, at least to those of us who grew up in the tame North...
Hilarious, fantastic poems that I enjoyed reading to my two sons when they were little. Now I'd like to read them for anyone's children to enjoy liste...
This is a volume of poetry by French poet Theophile Gautier, translated by Agnes Lee. Enamels and Cameos was published when Gautier was touring the Mi...
Urania is a work of science fiction from the fine mind of French astronomer Camille Flammarion. Named for Urania, the muse of astronomy, this book in...
It features stories that explore the horrors and consequences of war. The book contains a collection of 16 short stories that take readers on a journe...
Dans les recoins obscurs du XIXe siècle français, un mystère plane, une vengeance se prépare. Bienvenue dans l'univers captivant de "L'Homme de Fer" d...