Tales of Unrest is a collection of five short stories by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1898. The stories are set in various exotic locations, and...
"Saudades: História de Menina e Moça" is considered the first pastoral romance written in Portuguese and the precursor of the bucolic genre in Portuga...
The People of Seldwyla is a collection of ten stories set in the fictional Swiss town of Seldwyla. This collection includes six of the ten novellas. T...
Le novelle di Pirandello esplorano la complessità della vita umana e il suo senso di assurdità. Attraverso personaggi che lottano con identità fragili...
Las Novelas Ejemplares de Miguel de Cervantes son una colección de doce novelas cortas escritas entre 1590 y 1612. Estas historias abarcan una varieda...