Follows the fortunes of the son of a noble Saxon family in Norman England as he woos his lady, disobeys his father, and is loved by another. Set in la...
Don Quixote is an early novel written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Cervantes created a fictional origin for the story in the charac...
Don Quijote de la Mancha (ortografía y título original —1605—, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha) es una de las obras cumbre de la literat...
Charlton Miner Lewis' version of Gawayne and the Green Knight, a late 14th century alliterative romance, is written in modern language telling the sto...
A collection of King Arthur's adventures, from his ascent to King of Britain to his death. This book includes some of the crucial Arthurian legends ab...
Published in 1903, Gawayne and the Green Knight is a modern-language retelling of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a 14th-century verse romance follow...
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a late 14th-century Middle English alliterative romance outlining an adventure of Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arth...
Eva March Tappan's "When Knights Were Bold" provides a glimpse into the lives and customs of people living in the Middle Ages, spanning from the 8th t...
This book presents a collection of classic Arthurian tales, specifically designed for young readers. It introduces the legendary figures of King Arthu...
The Old English Baron is a gothic romance novel that follows the adventures of Sir Philip Harclay, a knight who returns to medieval England to find th...
This book presents simplified and abridged versions of stories from Edmund Spenser's epic poem, *The Faerie Queene*. The author, Mary Macleod, aimed t...
Amadis of Gaul is a classic chivalric romance that follows the adventures of the titular hero, Amadis. Abandoned as a child, he grows up unaware of hi...
Set in the historic state of Kentucky, this enchanting tale follows the adventures of Malcolm and Keith, two young Southern aristocrats who embody the...
Sir Nigel follows the journey of Nigel Loring, a young man burdened by the decline of his family's fortunes. Thrust into a world of war and intrigue,...
This book presents a collection of medieval French romances, primarily drawn from the "Lays" of Marie de France. These tales explore themes of love, c...
This book contains the poem "Fiez vous y!" by Charles d'Orléans, a prominent French poet of the 15th century. D'Orléans was known for his elegant and...
Sintram and His Companions is a classic work of German Romanticism. It tells the story of a young knight, Sintram, who embarks on a quest to find the...
Idylls of the King is a collection of twelve narrative poems by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, that retell the legend of King Arthur, his knights, his love fo...
Prepare yourself for a literary adventure like no other with "Soaked in Seaweed and 7 other nonsense novels" by the beloved humorist, Stephen Leacock....
Doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente is a romantic novel set in 15th century Spain during the reign of Enrique III of Castile, known as "the Mournful" du...
Troilus and Criseyde is a Middle English poem by Geoffrey Chaucer that tells the tragic story of two lovers, Troilus, a Trojan prince, and Criseyde, t...
The Lady of the Lake is a narrative poem by Sir Walter Scott, first published in 1810. The poem is set in the Scottish Highlands, and tells the story...
'Love Is Enough' is a long narrative poem by William Morris, written in 1873. It's a tale of chivalry and courtly love set in a medieval world, where...