This is the inspiring story of Saint Anthony of Padua. The son of a wealthy Portuguese family, he was initially ordained a priest of the Canons Regula...
The Mysteries of Udolpho tells of Emily St. Aubert, who suffers misadventures that include the death of her mother and father, supernatural terrors in...
Beccaria and the two brothers Pietro and Alessandro Verri started an important cultural reformist movement centered around their journal Il Caffè ("Th...
The War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization is a book written in 1885 by an Irishman, George F. Dillon, DD. It was republished b...
History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy is an historical account by Niccolò Machiavelli . Toward the end of 1520, the Cardinal Giulio of Medic...
"Orlando Furioso (Canti 05-12) di Ludovico Ariosto" è un'epopea avvincente che trasporta i lettori in un vortice di avventure, amore, e follia.
Voyage en Italie de François-René de Chateaubriand vous transporte dans une aventure enchanteresse à travers la péninsule italienne. Laissez-vous capt...
Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the heart of Europe with "Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and Switzerland." Delve into the i...
Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di un burattino è il titolo del romanzo ottocentesco che ha come protagonista un notissimo personaggio di finzione,...
The Portrait of a Lady is a novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in The Atlantic Monthly and Macmillan's Magazine in 1880-1881 and then a...
Das 1895 uraufgeführte Lustspiel Leonce und Lena von Georg Büchner setzt sich an Hand der Liebesgeschichte der Königskinder Leonce und Lena sartirisch...
When Lucy Honeychurch travels to Italy with her cousin, she meets George Emerson, a bohemian and an atheist who falls in love with her. Upon her retur...
Amelia B. Edwards wrote this historical travelogue in in 1873. The book describes her travels through a relatively un-visited area in the South Tyrol...
Antonio Ghislanzoni, nato a Barco di Maggianico (Lecco) il 25 novembre 1824, è meglio noto come autore di numerosissimi libretti per opere liriche tra...
Edmond Dantès, a young seaman with a promising future, is arrested at his wedding ceremony under calomnious charges, and locked up in the Chateau d'If...
The Jew of Malta (1589) is an original story of religious conflict, intrigue, and revenge, set against a backdrop of the struggle for supremacy betwee...
Daisy Miller is an 1878 novella by Henry James. It portrays the confused courtship of the eponymous American girl by Winterbourne, a compatriot of her...
Myricae, è la raccolta di poesie più amata dal Pascoli. [...] Nel 1903, la raccolta definitiva comprendeva 156 liriche del poeta. I componimenti in es...
On a journey to Tuscany with her young friend and traveling companion Caroline Abbott, widowed Lilia Herriton falls in love with both Italy and a hand...
The Aeneid is a Latin epic written by Virgil in the 1st century BC that tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who traveled to Italy, where he...
The Lost Stradivarius (1895), by J. Meade Falkner, is a short novel of ghosts and the evil that can be invested in an object, in this case an extremel...
J.B. Bury wrote his “History of Greece” before World War I, but it is such a good overview of classical Greek history that the third edition was still...
Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca is a novel sited in Tuscany (Italy). It was written by Vamba (Luigi Bertelli’s pseudonym) in 1907 and published in 1912...