Discover a collection of captivating tales in "The Mantle and Other Stories" by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. Written by the renowned Russian author, thi...
In this, the esteemed historian and critic D.S. Mirsky invites readers to delve into the depths of Russia's literary heritage and explore the transfor...
"Peter und Alexej" von Dmitry Merezhkovsky ist ein ergreifendes Werk, das die tiefe Verbindung zwischen Peter dem Großen und seinem treuen Gefährten A...
Intrigued by the mysteries concealed within the Russian court? "Six Years at the Russian Court" by Margaretta Eagar unveils a captivating journey thro...
In the heart of the vast and enigmatic Russian Empire, a grand adventure awaits young readers! "The Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire" by Thomas Wa...
Unveiling the Enigma: Delve into the Intriguing Tale of Rasputin and the Russian Revolution with Catherine Radziwill. Step into the shadowy corridors...
**Fathers and Sons** is a seminal Russian novel by Ivan Turgenev, first published in 1862. The novel explores the growing divide between the liberal a...
This anthology presents a selection of Russian short stories from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Compiled by Thomas Seltzer, it features works by...
“O Clube da Má Língua” satiriza a hipocrisia e a superficialidade da sociedade russa do século XIX. A obra retrata um grupo de indivíduos, liderados...
Anna Karenina is a novel by Leo Tolstoy that was first published in 1877. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest works of literature ever writte...
This volume, part of a six-volume set, presents a collection of intriguing mystery and detective short stories from German, Russian, and Scandinavian...
In the Gardens (Hebrew: בגנים) is a short story by the Hebrew modernist author Uri Nissan Gnessin. It was first published in 1904 and has since been t...
'War and Peace' is an epic novel by Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1869. It depicts Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 and follows the lives of fi...
The protagonist is Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, a young Russian officer who is stationed in the Caucasus Mountains due to his involvement in a duel...
Anton Chekhov, renowned for his plays like "Uncle Vanya" and "The Cherry Orchard," was a master of the short story. "The Schoolmaster and Other Storie...
This collection of short stories by Fyodor Dostoevsky explores the dark recesses of the human soul. Dostoevsky's characters are often tormented by pov...
This collection of early short stories by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, spanning the years 1898 to 1916, offers a glimpse into the development of his literary sty...
This collection brings together the poetry, prose, and essays of Evgeny Baratynsky, a Russian poet considered one of the most brilliant and enigmatic...
Nikolai Leskov's "Svyatochnye rasskazy" is a collection of Christmas-themed stories that explore the lives and beliefs of ordinary Russian people. Set...
Vasily Zhukovsky's Selected Poems and Ballads is a collection of some of the most renowned works by the renowned Russian poet and translator, widely r...
This collection of short stories by Leonid Andreyev showcases his distinctive style of psychological realism and philosophical exploration. Known fo...
'Tolstoy for the Young' presents a curated selection of Leo Tolstoy's short stories, meticulously chosen for their suitability in a scholastic setting...
Ilya Ehrenburg's 'Portraits of Russian Poets' is a collection of insightful essays on prominent figures of the Russian Silver Age, a period of immense...