This is an intriguing collection of folklore from the Santal Parganas, a district in India located about 150 miles from Calcutta. As its preface impli...
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse was an English comic writer who enjoyed enormous popular success for more than seventy years. Best known today for the...
This is the book that started it all. Johnny Gruelle gave his daughter Marcella a rag doll, on which he had drawn an eternally smiling face. Marcella...
A comic look at the curious habits and customs of the inhabitants of 'Stage Land'. Dedicated to 'that highly respectable but unnecessarily retiring in...
Henry IV, Part 2 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed written between 1596 and 1599. It is the third part of a tetralogy, preceded by Ri...
This book with two titles, Three Men and a Maid in the USA and The Girl on the Boat in the UK is a typical PG Wodehouse romantic comedy, involving, at...
“This volume is primarily intended to supply a working and practical knowledge of the Persian language, for the benefit of those who have not the time...