32 Caliber is a 1920 detective novel by Donald McGibney. The novel is set in New York City and tells the story of a lawyer named John C. Blake who is...
It is a captivating detective story. This book follows the famous detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, as they investigate the case of...
The story revolves around the murder of a wealthy businessman and the investigation conducted by Nero Wolfe, a brilliant detective, and his assistant,...
It is an intriguing collection of detective stories that will captivate young readers with its clever mysteries and memorable characters. Written by t...
"Prince Zaleski" is a captivating book written by M. P. Shiel that will transport 13-year-old readers into a world of mystery and intrigue. This colle...
This gripping book takes readers on a suspenseful journey as they unravel the secrets and suspense that lie within its pages.
Written by Natalie Sumn...
This is a captivating collection of detective stories featuring the brilliant and astute detective, Sherlock Holmes. First published in 1892, this ico...
This is a captivating novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the realms of mystery and suspense. Set in an era of long-held secrets a...
On the tranquil island of Couffignal, a storm of violence erupts as a ruthless force descends upon its wealthy and elderly inhabitants. A seasoned det...
In the glittering world of high society and dazzling diamonds, a deadly secret lies concealed behind a seemingly innocent accessory. Enter "The Diamon...
Step into the shadowy world of crime and deception in "The Dorrington Deed-Box" by Arthur Morrison, a captivating collection of detective stories that...
A fog-shrouded London night. A widow found murdered in her home. A mysterious Japanese jewel at the scene of the crime.
When Inspector Bucket is call...
"A mysterious death in the shadow of a sycamore tree sets the stage for a classic whodunit."
In this mystery novel, Carolyn Wells tells the story of...
In the quaint town of Lanagan, where secrets whisper through the rustling leaves and every cobblestone holds a story, a reluctant amateur detective em...
In "The Adventure of the Red Circle" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a mysterious and menacing symbol, the red circle, sets the stage for yet another brill...
In the shadowy realm where horror literature blurs with reality, "The Horror Expert" unfolds a spine-tingling narrative that will challenge your perce...
"The Wrong Letter" by Walter S. Masterman is a thrilling journey into the tangled web of secrets and deception, where one misplaced letter sets off a...
In the heart of an idyllic English village lies a secret buried deeper than the enigmatic shadows of Lovers' Cave. Anthony Berkeley's "The Mystery at...
Mit einem funkelnden indischen Mondstein beginnt ein unvergessliches Abenteuer: "Der Mondstein", ein Klassiker des viktorianischen Sensationsromans vo...
In the midst of bustling New York City, a woman vanishes without a trace, leaving behind a haunting enigma. Anna Katharine Green's "A Strange Disappea...
In a world dominated by male detectives, Miss Cusack emerged as a beacon of female intellect and determination. With her sharp mind, keen observation...
When a mysterious gold coin bearing a cryptic message arrives in the mail, it sets the stage for a thrilling mystery that will keep readers guessing u...
In the sun-drenched Florida Keys during the Prohibition era, a restless former POW named Tal Howard finds himself haunted by the tale of buried treasu...
Ernest Bramah is mainly known for his 'Kai Lung' books - Dorothy L Sayers often used quotes from them for her chapter headings. In his lifetime howeve...