The story takes place in a two-dimensional world called Flatland and explores the limitations of perception, social hierarchy, and the nature of reali...
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838) is the only complete novel written by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The work relates the tal...
The book revolves around a young man named Harold, who finds himself in a strange and terrifying situation when he becomes the thirteenth person in a...
It is a thrilling mystery collaborative novel. This book follows the story of a journalist who becomes entangled in a web of deceit and danger after a...
This is a compelling novel that delves into the complexities of human emotions and the intricacies of relationships. Written by the renowned Dutch aut...
This is a captivating mystery novel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. A renowned author known for his detective stories, this book is a m...
It is a captivating collection of short stories that will transport young readers into a world of imagination and discovery. Written by the renowned a...
Es ist ein packender Roman, der sich perfekt für eignet. Geschrieben von dem renommierten Autor August Strindberg, entführt dieses Buch junge Leser in...
This thought-provoking book, first published in 1880, takes readers on a compelling journey into the realm of psychological experimentation and the c...
This is a captivating book that explores the intriguing world of fraudulent schemes, deceptive practices, and the human inclination towards credulity....
Prepare to enter a world of mystery and wonder in "The Labyrinth" by Francis Stevens, where reality and imagination intertwine to create a captivatin...
Descubre el misterio oculto detrás de "La gota de sangre" de Emilia Pardo Bazán, una novela cautivadora que te sumerge en un mundo de secretos y revel...
Embark on a Journey of Mysterious Tales in "Three Midnight Stories" by Alexander W. Drake
Are you ready to step into a world where darkness and enigma...
Have you ever wondered what lies in the darkest recesses of the human soul? Dive into the haunting depths of "Letters from Hell," a mesmerizing collec...
In "Revelations of a Spirit Medium," the extraordinary A. Medium, a renowned conduit between the mortal plane and the ethereal realms, unravels a tape...
Hook: "Unravel the enigmatic and delve into the depths of human nature in this mesmerizing collection of tales that blend mystery, the supernatural, a...
In den rauschenden Künstlerkreisen des Fin de Siècle ist ein Geheimnis verborgen, das das Schicksal eines Mannes für immer verändert. Willkommen in de...
Step into the enchanting world of Katherine Mansfield's short stories, where beauty and complexity intertwine to create moments of profound reflection...
"The Man with a Thousand Legs" is a riveting collection of dark and fantastical short stories by the master of horror, Frank Belknap Long. Within thes...
In the shadows of the city's dimly lit streets, a mysterious figure weaves a web of temptation and desire. "A Modern Mephistopheles" by Louisa May Alc...
In a small, conservative town, Vivian Lane, a young woman with dreams of becoming a doctor, finds herself torn between societal expectations and her o...
Step into a world of passion and secrets in "The Sin of Monsieur Antoine." In the quaint French village of Saint-Palais, Monsieur Antoine's life seems...
A mysterious stranger arrives in a small village, and soon the residents are questioning their own sanity.
Septimus is a psychological thriller by Wi...
Step into a world of intrigue and intellectual exploration in "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann, Volume One. As the world teeters on the brink of Wo...