It is a captivating novel that tells the story of a young boy named Joseph who is fascinated by the shadows of the people around him. One day, he meet...
This is a chilling collection of supernatural tales that will send shivers down your spine. Written by the acclaimed author M. R. James, this book off...
This is an extraordinary journey filled with wonder and creativity. Oliver, a spirited and imaginative boy, possesses a unique gift—the ability to bri...
Billie Bradley had always been an adventurous soul, but nothing could prepare her for the mysteries that awaited her at Three Towers Hall. As she step...
In the heart-pounding tale of "Gypsy Flight" by Roy J. Snell, a whirlwind of mystery and adventure awaits! When a long-lost treasure resurfaces, it se...
"A mysterious death in the shadow of a sycamore tree sets the stage for a classic whodunit."
In this mystery novel, Carolyn Wells tells the story of...
In the shadows of the Victorian era, where ghosts and nightmares lurk, Violet Hunt's Tales of the Uneasy invites you to explore the dark side of the h...
In the labyrinthine alleys of early 20th-century London, where shadows conceal more than just darkness, "The Houses of Sin" by Vincent O'Sullivan weav...
In the heart of the Himalayas, where towering peaks pierce the sky and treacherous cliffs guard hidden valleys, a group of intrepid adventurers finds...
In the bustling heart of New York City, where shadows dance and secrets lurk around every corner, a relentless pursuit unfolds, driven by an insatiabl...
Edwin Arlington Robinson's The Three Taverns is a collection of poems that explore the themes of love, loss, redemption, and the human condition. The...
In a world of socialites and hidden desires, a seemingly ordinary green jacket holds the key to unlocking a captivating tale of love, intrigue, and th...
In Anthony Trollope's captivating novel, "The Bertrams," we are transported to the heart of Victorian England, where a family's journey takes an unexp...
In a world shrouded in superstition and fear, Cotton Mather's "The Wonders of the Invisible World" and "A Farther Account of the Tryals of the New Eng...
A young man named Anodos experiences dream-like adventures in Fairy Land, where he meets tree-spirits, endures the presence of the overwhelming shadow...
Zoals de titel al aangeeft gaat het boek over oude mensen (en ouder worden) en de dingen die voorbijgaan. Maar niet alles gaat voorbij met het ouder w...
Peter Schlemihl lernt den reichen Kaufmann Thomas John kennen, in dessen Garten er einem eigenartigen grauen Herrn begegnet. Dieser überredet ihn dazu...
In George MacDonald's "Flight of the Shadow," a young woman named Elfin struggles with the weight of a secret she's kept for years. The story unfolds...
"My Shadow" is one of the most beloved and well-known poems by Robert Louis Stevenson. The poem speaks to the simple wonder and imagination of childho...
El sabueso de los Baskerville es una novela de misterio del famoso detective Sherlock Holmes. Ambientada en el sombrío páramo de Dartmoor, la historia...
Peter Schlemihl is a classic tale of a man who makes a fateful bargain with the devil, trading his shadow for a bottomless purse. This seemingly advan...
Carl Jung's "Theory of Psychoanalysis" presents his groundbreaking theoretical work in the field of psychology. Expanding upon the Freudian framework...
This collection of essays by Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, provides a foundational understanding of his key concepts. Covering topi...
The Shadow is a collection of poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that explore the themes of darkness, light, and the human soul. Longfellow explores...