The story takes place in a two-dimensional world called Flatland and explores the limitations of perception, social hierarchy, and the nature of reali...
The Theory of Moral Sentiments is a 1759 book by Adam Smith. It provided the ethical, philosophical, psychological, and methodological underpinnings t...
The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells (1866–1946). The text of the novel is the narration of Edwa...
"The Way to Will-Power" is far from a standard self-help book. With ample wit and an occasionally sardonic tone, American journalist and free-market a...
"The Grand Inquisitor" is a poem (a story within a story) inside Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov (1879–1880). It is recited by Ivan K...
A careful study of Endymion made some ten years ago led to the conclusion that there was more of allegorical significance in the poem than had hithert...
How to rid yourself of troubling thoughts, concerns and outside distractions and learn to focus on acquiring a continual relationship with God inside...
Birdseye Views of Far Lands is an interesting, wholesome presentation of something that a keen-eyed, alert traveler with the faculty of making contras...
The Treatise is a classic statement of philosophical empiricism, scepticism, and naturalism. In the introduction Hume presents the idea of placing all...
Before Darwin, human emotional life had posed problems to the western philosophical categories of mind and body. Darwin's interest can be traced to hi...
The book is a series of independent demonstrations, the results of which accumulate to the final conclusion, that the Christian religion is necessaril...
An exquisite story told about an inevitable changes in life and our financial situations. Those who adapt quickly are the ones who manage to stay ahea...
Dewey's uses the word "HABIT" as a specialized catch-all word to describe how a person and his/her objective environment interact. This interaction is...
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men also commonly known as the "Second Discourse", is a 1755 work by philosopher Jean-Jacques Ro...
The Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotle's best-known work on ethics, the science of the good for human life, which is the goal or end at which all our act...
Bennett's essays always provide food for thought and bring a wry smile to the lips. Human nature, it appears, changes little over the ages, and Bennet...
It explores the complex relationships between men and women. The book was first published in 1914, and remains a thought-provoking and relevant work t...
This book is a delightful read that showcases Parker's wit and sharp observational skills.
The stories in "Men I'm Not Married To" revolve around the...
It includes a total of eight short stories that revolve around themes of survival, adventure, and the human psyche. The collection was first published...
It tells the story of a young man named Gösta Berling who, after being fired from his job as a pastor, finds himself embroiled in a series of adventur...
It explores the theme of human psychology and the complexity of human nature.
Originally written in 1847, "The Landlady" tells the story of a young l...
It explores the complexities of human relationships, power, and morality. First published in 1920, the book remains a classic work of English literatu...