"The Glimpses of the Moon" (1922) is about Nick and Susy Lansing, both of whom live a decadent life in Europe by sponging off wealthy friends. They ma...
Lizzie Greystock, a fortune-hunter who ensnares the sickly, dissipated Sir Florian Eustace, is soon left a very wealthy widow and mother. While clever...
Set in late 19th-century Boston, *Unleavened Bread* delves into the complexities of social ambition and the pursuit of status. The story follows a se...
Elizabeth North, a young woman on the cusp of marriage, finds herself swept away by the allure of a lavish lifestyle. Her friend, Evelyn, encourages...
Set in Victorian England, 'A Charming Fellow' delves into the complexities of marriage and the perils of social ambition. Through the lens of a dysfun...
This volume, part of Balzac's sprawling *Comédie Humaine*, follows the journey of Lucien de Rubempré, a young man from a provincial background who arr...
Ring Lardner's *Gullible's Travels, Etc.* is a collection of short stories that satirize the pursuit of social status and wealth in American society....
Molière's *The Bourgeois Gentleman* is a comedic satire of social climbing and the pursuit of status in 17th-century France. The play centers on Monsi...
Ferdinand Count Fathom is a satirical novel that follows the rise and fall of its titular character, a cunning and amoral young man who uses deception...
Published in 1883, 'Never' is a satirical guide to navigating the intricacies of high society. Written in a tongue-in-cheek style, the book dissects a...
« Le Rouge et le Noir » est un roman réaliste de Stendhal qui explore les ambitions et les désillusions d'un jeune homme ambitieux, Julien Sorel, dans...
Isabel Carnaby, an orphan returning from India, finds herself navigating the complex and often superficial world of upper-class British society. Despi...
The book depicts the rise of a mediocre civil servant in the Dutch East Indies, who, through the influence and machinations of his two wives, ascends...
En "Memorias de un cortesano de 1815", Benito Pérez Galdós presenta a Juan de Pipaón, un personaje que representa el ascenso social a través de la ast...
La novela sigue la historia de Lily Bart, una joven atractiva y ambiciosa que pertenece a la alta sociedad de Nueva York. Lily está atrapada en un mun...
Lady's Mile explores the gilded cage of London's elite in the Victorian era. It centers on the lives of individuals striving to be part of the most fa...
Set in the high society of New York City in the late 1830s, "Evelyn" follows the tragic tale of a naive and beautiful young woman named Evelyn as she...
Set in the late 19th century, *Massarenes* delves into the world of the newly wealthy, specifically the Massarene family. Their relentless pursuit of...
Set in early 19th-century France, *The Red and the Black* chronicles the rise and fall of Julien Sorel, a young man of humble origins who yearns for a...
'Bel Ami' by Guy de Maupassant is a classic novel that explores the themes of adultery, ambition, and social climbing in 19th-century Paris. The story...