In this chilling short-story by a master of the craft, Kurt Vonnegut creates a fictional world of the future where life and death are no longer matter...
Plato's Republic is a Socratic dialogue which deals mainly with the definition of justice, the characteristics of a just city state and the just man....
The Rainbow is a novel by British author D. H. Lawrence, first published by Methuen & Co. in 1915. It follows three generations of the Brangwen family...
A jolly romp, which could be perhaps be described as Gulliver’s Travels Through Our Solar System and Beyond, as written by a great admirer of C. S. Le...
A Modern Utopia is a 1905 novel by H. G. Wells.
Because of the complexity and sophistication of its narrative structure, A Modern Utopia has been cal...
New Atlantis is an incomplete utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published posthumously in 1626. It appeared unheralded and tucked into the back of a...
Herland is a utopian novel from 1915, written by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The book describes an isolated society composed entirely of women,...
The book tells the story of Julian West, a young American who, towards the end of the 19th century, falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wake...
Moving the Mountain is a feminist utopian novel written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It was published serially in Perkins Gilman's periodical The Fore...
The Begum's Fortune also published as The Begum's Millions, is an 1879 novel by Jules Verne, with some utopian elements and other elements that seem c...
Is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves into the depths of societal norms and challenges the very fabric of a seemingly perfect utopi...
In the whimsical world of "The Birds," ancient Athens meets a feathery utopia, and human ambition takes flight among the avian inhabitants. Step into...
Η "Πολιτεία του Πλάτωνα" είναι ένα αρχαιοελληνικό φιλοσοφικό διάλογο το οποίο εξετάζει ένα ευρύ φάσμα θεμάτων, από τη δικαιοσύνη και την κοινωνική οργ...