British Barbarians is a thought-provoking and entertaining novel that explores the nature of society and the role of the individual within it. The sto...
The book offers a glimpse into the life and times of Lily Braun, a prominent German socialist and feminist. Born into an aristocratic family, Braun de...
Hermann Sudermann's novella "Jolanthes Hochzeit" is a captivating tale of love, family conflict, and the clash between generations. The story revolves...
Desperate Remedies explores the complexities of love, duty, and social constraints in Victorian England. Cytherea Graye, a young woman of humble origi...
This collection of five short stories by John Galsworthy explores the complexities of human relationships and the social issues of his time. "The Firs...
Set in Adelaide, South Australia, before Federation, 'Two Sides to Every Question' delves into the lives of two families from contrasting social backg...
In John Galsworthy's 'Skin Game', the idyllic rural England of the post-WWI era becomes a battleground for clashing social forces. The Hillcrists, a f...
In 'Coast of Bohemia,' William Dean Howells examines the clash between the conventional world of middle-class society and the unconventional realm of...
Mrs. Craddock is a novel that explores the complexities of desire and social convention in Victorian England. The story follows the lives of two indiv...
Mary Barton is a novel set in the mid-19th century in Manchester, England, during the height of the Industrial Revolution. It focuses on the lives of...
In Charles Monroe Sheldon's novel, "His Brother's Keeper," Stuart Duncan returns home from college to a community facing a brewing labor strike at his...
A captivating and multifaceted tale set during the Christmas season, 'Coin of Edward VII' delves into the hidden flaws and tensions within a seemingly...
This book examines the early history of Rome, from its legendary founding to the invasion of the Gauls in 390 B.C. It explores the development of Rome...
Bealby, a mischievous and rebellious 13-year-old boy, finds himself trapped in the oppressive atmosphere of a grand estate as a steward's room boy. De...
Will Warburton is a story about a young man who loses his money in a failed business venture and must come to terms with his new job as a grocer. It i...
Alice Dugdale's life is turned upside down when her beloved, John, catches the attention of a wealthy noble family. As John becomes increasingly drawn...
Set in a small town during the early 20th century, "Helen of the Old House" explores the complex dynamics of labor relations and social inequality. T...
Fanny's First Play is a witty and satirical comedy that explores themes of class conflict, family dynamics, and the nature of art. The play follows Fa...
Set in England during the mid-19th century, 'History of David Grieve' follows the story of David Grieve, a young man who comes from a poor family and...