The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha or just Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It was originally published in two par...
The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha or just Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It was originally published in two par...
Brace yourself for an uproarious adventure through the misadventures of the well-meaning but perpetually hapless Bertie Wooster and his ever-resourcef...
This book presents a number of short, comedic sketches of a country life in middle America in the late 1800s. The hilarious twists and turns endear ou...
The Swoop! tells of the simultaneous invasion of England by several armies — "England was not merely beneath the heel of the invader. It was beneath t...
The Wrong Box is a comedy about the ending of a tontine (a tontine is an arrangement whereby a number of young people subscribe to a fund which is the...
Deep in the fens of the British coast sits the gloomy mansion that goes by the name Nightmare Abbey. It is inhabited by persons of very low opinion of...
Merton of the Movies follows the journey of Merton Gill, a naive but determined young man from a small town in Illinois, who arrives in Hollywood with...
Travers Gladwin, a bored and wealthy businessman's son, finds his life unexpectedly spiced up when he learns of a planned burglary of his home. Instea...
In "Intrusion of Jimmy," Jimmy Pitt, a carefree bachelor, finds himself entangled in a web of misadventures after a bet leads him to break into a pol...
Amazons is a farcical romance by Arthur Wing Pinero that explores the outlandish idea of women wearing pants. The play centers around the predicament...
Mr H is a farce that was first performed at Drury Lane in 1806. The plot is slender and revolves around a single rather feeble joke, but the character...
Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw is a play that satirizes British society on the eve of World War I. The play follows a group of characters who...
The Recruiting Officer is a Restoration comedy by George Farquhar, set in the English countryside during the War of the Spanish Succession. The play...
Our American Cousin is a three-act farce by English playwright Tom Taylor, first staged in 1858. The play centers on Asa Trenchard, a naive and somewh...
“Will and No Will” is a short play, or “afterpiece,” written by Charles Macklin. The play is a comedic exploration of the themes of inheritance, greed...
The Schoolmistress is a Victorian farce by Arthur Wing Pinero, written in 1886. The play centers on Miss Caroline Dyott, the principal of a girls' sc...
Molière's 'The School for Wives' is a satirical comedy that explores themes of love, marriage, and social control. The play follows Arnolphe, a wealth...
The Castle Spectre is a Gothic play written by Matthew Lewis. Set in medieval Conway, Wales, the play follows a classic Gothic narrative: a young woma...
Dandy Dick is a Victorian farce by Arthur Wing Pinero, renowned for its witty dialogue and humorous situations. It follows the antics of a group of ch...
Little Bit of Fluff is a classic farce that revolves around a series of comedic misunderstandings and mishaps. The plot hinges on an insurance investi...
George Dandin, a wealthy farmer, marries Angelique, the daughter of a country gentleman. However, their marriage is plagued by Angelique's infidelity...
“The Vegetable” is a play by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores themes of ambition, disillusionment, and the American Dream through the lens of a satir...
A Woman is a Weathercock is a satirical comedy by Nathan Field that follows the misadventures of three sisters as they navigate the complexities of lo...